Sunday, April 12, 2009

We've been African-"ized"!!!

First of all... Even though you aren't here with us... we ...YOU...Grace Community Church... paid for and provided roughly 6,000 meals served this week. The enormity of the situation didn't sink in until we personally participated in feeding the people.

Hi All, it's Pastor Sharon,

What an incredible and emotional day we just had.  We were told there were surprises in store for us at our last church service, but that was an understatement.  The children and the teens danced for us which started our first flood of tears.  They are all so precious!  Next Pastor Chuck was outfitted in authentic Maasai clothing and presented with the Elders staff and seat.  Then I was outfitted in authentic Maasai clothing which included a headdress and necklace.  One by one, the rest of our group was called to the stage and wrapped in Maasai clothing and given bracelets. This was done at great expense to them and we were overwhelmed at their sacrifice.  As if this wasn't enough, they honored me on my 65th birthday with cake for the over 500 people, and several woman came forward to present me with gifts.  It's so humbling to receive from those you have come to help.  Each person was then allowed to give their farewells, which came with more tears.  As we wind up our time here, we all know our experience has changed us in many ways.  We feel connected to both a people and a land.  We made them a promise we intend to keep, which is to continue proving our love for them by being faithful to help them whenever possible. 
Blessings to all and see you in a few days.  

Bwana se feewe!!!! (Praise the Lord)...Hey its Alexa!
Hey guys, I dont know what to say other than thank you EVERYONE! First of all today was the best day of all!! we were African-"ized"!! it was really fun to be known as African-Americans now...haha! It was verry hard to say goodbye to all the people that helped and loved us...Feliz...was my protocol woman. She was so kind and helped me take my bags to the van, I will miss her so much. And I will miss the kids and the teens they are so full of God! A girl named Jannie wanted to meet me on thursday so we met, she said "You are my new best friend" it was so sweet, and she is my age. Today she gave me a bracelet to remember her, I was crying:) ... of course. I couln't stop all day. I love them all!!!! NIKO I will miss you so much!!! love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Final Full Day at the Church... was our final conference day...We had three amazing services. Each afternoon, several of us took about 150 kids to the top of a four story building for games, lessons, dance, etc. Today however...while on the rooftop...we could see a sand/windstorm approaching over the mountains and heading straight for Nakuru. I guess the rooftop of a 4 story building isn't the best place to have that many children. Everything was fine, as we took the children back down, we could see a couple of brush fires spreading from the wind. We had hoped it would rain more, as they really need it. But only a few drops came. The sky often looks like it will downpour, but never seems to open up. Tomorrow (Sunday) will be a special service. A few have already commented that it will be hard to leave. The Church has planned something special for us for tomorrow's service. We have no idea, except that we will be made honorary Africans. It looks to be a special and memorable day. We definitely are at home here now. Enjoy a few pics from today, as well as some comments from Dawn and Karen....cya soon...   Chuck      

Hi, my friends!  This week has been wonderful!  These Kenyans know how to praise and worship the Lord - in the heat, I might add.   They are beautiful people that live on nothing!  And with that they worship, worship, worship!!  Tonight the little ones played their tambourines that we brought over for them to "Jesus Loves Me".  They are naturals and very sweet!  We dance with the teens and I found out today in their worship, it separates the women from the girls.  I tried to keep up as long as I could and then had to dance myself to the side.  But, oh boy, was it fun!  We will miss these people and will have a lot to talk about for a long time.     

Hi to my family - Martha, Tony, Autumn, Dan, Joe, Jacob and Dany.  I miss you a lot and think how you would love these people.  Especially the young children.  They have nothing.  Love you!  Oh yea, hi Levi and Buttons.  See you all soon.    Karen and Paul Branz  (Mom and Dad).

Hi friends/family,
Dawn here.  Well let's see, I'm sleep deprived, smelly, dirty, inconvenienced and.............................. I LOVE IT!  The night we arrived and were leaving the airport, it was night and I remember sitting by the window looking out at the streets with excitement, still not completely absorbing the fact that I was thousands of miles away from home!  The next day, as we drove to Nakuru, I again sat by the window.  About 20 minutes into the drive I realized I was smiling and hadn't stopped since we began, I made a mental note of how I must look, like a kid arriving for the first time at Disney World.  Looking around with wide eyes and a smile on their face.  That was me.... I have learned 3 things from these people:  1) True Hospitality    2) Humbleness        and                  3) Servanthood
They are truly an amazing group of people.  Thanks for your prayers and your support, we will soon be home to 'pass on' what we have learned to all of you.  Are you ready?  We love and miss you all!  God Bless, Dawn Rockey

Friday, April 10, 2009

Another Great Day...

Hi everyone this is Richard...
So far this trip has been so much more than what I could of thought of. Everyone is so friendly and the kids are like camera hounds they love their pic took and then they what to look at themselves on the camera. The worship is awesome and so intense and can't wait to come home and share how they have touched my heart in a deep way. They say you will come home different believe me I know I will never be the same. Love you all :) 

Helen here... Bhwana Asa Feeway- Praise the Lord- to everyone who helped Holly & I get here- thank you more than we can say. It is an awesome experience. Today while worshipping & looking out at the people I felt: "The lips of God have kissed the face of the Kenyan people". They seem so pure & unspoiled in their worship, their servitude to us, their welcoming spirit. Since the first day, Zedikiah asked me to teach him flute. I brought a recorder with me and today we were up on the roof across the street. By the end of the time he did not realize he'd learned part of Amazing Grace. Words can never express how rich my heart feels. Blessings to all- love you

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Where to begin...

This was quite a day...We're not sure how to reduce it into a blog entry, or how to select only a few pictures. I know that I personally can't begin to do the day justice in a paragraph. We spent the day at the Church, working with children, feeding and serving, and concluding with a special presentaion service that was amazing. The attendence has tripled since last night now. Everyone has done so well...not only in terms of adjusting to everything, but considering it's such a humbling and overwhelming experience to be here. I'm gonna get out of the way and let you hear from a couple of others...enjoy the pictures. Each one has a story of it's own...take care....Chuck

Peggy here...This whole trip has been an awesome experience. I really don't have the words to describe anything we have experienced except for awesome! The worship has blessed me so tremendously, that I feel like I need more to give. The smiles, the anointing, the move of the Holy Spirit is just more than I can contain...I am truly overflowing! I taught a group of kids 10 and under this afternoon. They were like a sponge...absorbing the word of God into their hearts. I taught them a song and a game and they also taught me a song and a game. Several of us also helped today with serving lunch. I wish we had more to give. All I can say is more Lord...more Lord!!!

Hey everyone, this is Denny. Wow where to begin? What a day. I do believe from the moment we got here I have been on the verge of tears. I never believed I would be impacted the way this country, culture and these people have impacted me. I knew we were coming to minister to them but I never anticipated they would minister to me in so many ways. There worship is unbelievable, when you walk in the room you are smacked in the face with the presence of God. Today we had are first real quality time with the children, Indescribable is what comes to mind. There faces glow and they soak up everything we say and do. If we left today I could say I was changed greatly and totally complete, but Thank God we have 3 more days. I can't wait. Well we really do miss everyone and wish you could all be here. Love you Marissa and Maddy! Denny

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Day at the Church...

Autumn's proof!!!!

Hello's Wednesday evening about 10:30 pm here...we've had a great day. The needs here are overwhelming. Our hosts have been great and are very preotective of us. Today was our first day at the Church. We set up the p.a. system that we purchased for them. All of the equipment arrived in perfect condition and sounds GREAT! It was a big success. This evening we had our first service. First they had their worship team with Pastor Irungu, and then we had worship and prayer. All in all, it's been an amazing experience thus far...oh, and by the way? It's in the 80's during the day and 60s at night...NO SNOW here! :o) Weather is perfect. More pictures's a few words from some of the group. We'll try to have some different people each night if we can. Take care...

Hi, Pastor Sharon here. What a culture shock. Not a dry eye when you realize what it takes just to get through a day for the people here. We have been received so well and have already made close relationships. We're tired, sweaty but ready to start again tomorrow. Every effort is well worth it and the experience is really humbling. Miss you all and thanks for the comments!!

Hi it's Randy - It's been a wonderful trip so far. Today was a very exciting day for us going to the church for the first time and nothing could have prepered us for what was to come. It was a very humbling experiance for all off us. God has really started things off with a bang. the people were telling us how blessed they are that we are here, but it is all of us that are blessed. Life as we know it does not exist here. What a shock. But all is well and looking forward to see what God does tomorrow. Fill more later, see you for now.